Fragrances in the Home
Fragrances in the Home
Everyone likes to have a yummy smelling house, right? I used to love recieving all of the candle scents as gifts back in the day and thought I was doing my husband great service when he would come home to a house that smelled like “fresh linen” laundry. Meh, not so much. I can touch on candles later, and there are some great clean companies that I would recommend, but for now, let’s touch briefly on essential oils! Essential oils are a natural way to make your home smell lovely without the toxic chemicals and health issues associated with “fragrance.” You’ll hear me talk about fragrance a lot around here because it’s really important to avoid if you are able. The word “fragrance” is a trade secret not only in the personal care world, but also in our household cleaning products among plug ins, candles, car scents and more. Fragrance enters our body through our skin and our lungs and 75 percent of products that list fragrance contain the hormone disrupting chemical, phthalates. Phthalates, used to make fragrances last longer, have been linked to many hazardous health conditions, such as reduced sperm count, liver and breast cancers, reproductive malformation and diabetes. Inhaling these fragrances can also triggler migraines, allergies, asthma, and is definitely not good for people with COPD.
I love using clean essential oils such as DoTerra, Young Living and Plant Therapy to make my home smell good. Hopefully next time you go to burn that candle or spray that room spray, it is with pure essential oils and not synthetic fragrances.