Why we use Elderberry Syrup
Why we use Elderberry Syrup
Elderberry Syrup…what a powerful plant medicine. I will be writing more about herbal remedies and scientifically backed immune boosters, but in the meantime, let’s chat Elderberry aka Sambucus. I first learned about Elderberry Syrup when I was united with a group of women that my midwife had created and I started learning more about holistic approaches to staying well. Taken as a preventative and treatment for viral and bacterial infections, Elderberry Syrup is a wonderful and natural approach to keeping bugs at bay.
It was the early fall when I was newly pregnant and looking for ways to boost my immune system, so I went to the natural health store only to be dissapointed to find that all of the Elderberry Syrups were chock-full of gross preservatives and artificial flavors. There was no way I was going to take that to keep myself healthy. SO, I decided to make my own. I have long been into plants and their healing power (hence the name of this website), but tinctures, decoctions, teas, and infusions were something that I knew little about. After doing my research and creating recipe after recipe, I finally nailed what I call the perfect ultra concentration of a preventative and powerfully healing blend of herbs to make the best Elderberry Syrup for me and my family. I started making this herbal elixir and giving it to friends for free when they felt like they or their families were getting a viral or bacterial infection, and much to my surprise, the demand kept growing. Apparently, the blend of powerful immune boosting herbs in addition to raw honey was one of the best tasting (such as their kids were taking it) and evidently effective Elderberry Syrups out there. How cool, huh?
My family and I have now been making our signature Elderberry Syrup and Elderberry Syrup Dry Kits since 2016 and we sell them every Saturday at the Farmers Markets, locally for pickup, and offer nationwide shipping for all of our friends to elevate their health with mother nature’s medicine!
Cheers to healthy remedies!
Stay tuned for more in depth info on herbs and their benefits to human health!