27: Dr. Matthew Nagra: Thoughts from a Vegan Naturopath
Matthew Nagra received his BSc from the University of Victoria and his ND from the Boucher Institute. He has consumed a strictly plant-based diet for over 11 years, which has helped him on his own health journey, and is a tool he uses with his chronic disease patients in his practice in Vancouver, BC. He has also received the plant-based nutrition certification from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, volunteers for the non-profit Nutritionfacts.org, and acted as a Scientific Reviewer for "The Proof is in the Plants" by Simon Hill, MS.
What we talked about:
3:10- Dr. Nagra’s favorite food
5:25- Why Dr. Nagra got into naturopathic medicine
8:20- Easiest changes to adopt when switching to a more plant based lifestyle and tips for diet adherence
14:15- Nuts and seeds in your diet
17:20- Most common chronic health issues that Dr. Nagra sees with his patients
19:25- Approach to helping patients with cholesterol issues
21:40- His thoughts on bone broth
23:30- Discussing environmental toxins with patients and concerns with heavy metal
24:30- Consuming eggs and choline
31:20- What made Dr. Nagra want to become an entrepreneur
35:05- Being an advocate on Instagram
38:00- Wrap-up
Show notes:
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