Why your story impacts your wellness and your business

I sit here with my son because I call him my miracle and he is part of my story.

Stories are powerful, don’t you think? Stories are a super essential part of what it means to be human. From the beginning of time, stories gave us the ability to connect with each other and give meaning to life. Rather than listening to facts, stories help us put ourselves in the scene and experience the emotions, sights, sounds and angst or joy of other people. A story invites us to become participants rather than just a spectator.

Stories evoke emotion and make otherwise disconnected content come to life.

Why should you share your story?

Every woman has a story to tell. Maybe you didn’t live in a homeless shelter growing up or are a victim of human trafficking... maybe you were brought up without too much conflict or worry... but either way, your story began to unfold starting in childhood and now you can look back and understand why you are the person you are today. We should not diminish the power of our stories, no matter how dark or disappointing they may be, no matter how boring or uneventful they may seem. Your story matters (like, a lot).

Do your best not to hide your story in hopes no one will ever figure it out. Tell it. Show it. Celebrate it. Let your story be evidence of your strength and bravery that tells the world that a new ending is TOTALLY possible. Realize that your disappointments, bad decisions, and darkest struggles can be the most life-changing parts of your story. Your worst times can become your greatest victories successes!.

One of the greatest ways that we can put to use what we’ve been put through is to create a deeper sense of understanding than we would have ever known without the trauma. As a few examples, I would never understand the debilitating feelings of having thyroid issues, what it feels like to go through infertility, or what I would call ‘a business failure’ if it weren’t for my story. And remember, we grow through what we go through. You were not placed on this Earth to be a copycat, you were placed here to be an original, with an original story and a fate in which is your very own.

Believe me when I tell you this: you will come into contact with others who may not have had your exact experiences, but who will understand and have compassion for you on some level because they too know what it feels like to go through pain, doubt, and dark times. No one has a perfect life and the more that you share your story, the more the people you cross paths with will trust you, correlate with you, and feel a connection to you had you otherwise not spoken up.

I highly encourage you to share your story. If you want to grow your business and understand how to overcome your current health obstacles, bad habits, and the deeper reasons behind your self sabotage, you must share and own your story. The sooner you release your truth, the sooner the exact people who should be in your life will show up. TRUST the timing, share your story, and watch your life transform.


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